Are you ever frustrated when your kids become sick and you don’t have anything to help with their symptoms? Now you need to run out to the store? Ever wished to be the Herbalist of your family? There are some pretty simple things to have on hand that will help you manage acute situations in your household.
As I was compiling this list, I realized the multitudes of things I could add. It became very lengthy. LOL! I narrowed it down and put them in an order of priority. This way if you are on a budget you can start at the top and work your way down. I also looked at things we used in our household the most.
1.) All-Purpose Salve
The sky is the limit with what you can do with a good all purpose salve. It can help with cuts, burns, itching, bug bites, boo boos, diaper rash, you name it. Look for ones that are made in small batches. This means that the herbalist can control what is in it and it should have the most minimal ingredients possible to help with what ails you. Some herbs that should or could be included are: calendula, comfrey, yarrow, burdock, plantain, chickweed, helichrysum, etc.
2.) Elderberry Syrup
Everyone has heard of elderberry syrup. There is a reason for that. It is extremely helpful. It is easy to grow. It can easily be wild harvested in your area. It is a hardy plant that even if you cut it down, it will grow back year after year. Using it in syrup form is my favorite, because my kids never complain about taking it. It is a great way to support your immune system. It could be taken daily to help prevent sickness, but is great when you need it to hit hard. It can mildly help with seasonal allergies. (Even though I like goldenrod much better!) Avoid if you have autoimmune disorders.
3.) Mullein and Garlic Ear Oil
If you have small children, YOU NEED THIS! It is so helpful with ear infections, swimmers ear, and ear congestion. It helps to relieve pain as well. I use this frequently to help with congestion.
4.) Mullein Tincture
This is a powerhouse with multiple uses. It helps with congestion, and sore throats. It is great for all coughs; wet or dry. It is an expectorant, but also demulcent so that it is soothing. (Can guaifenesin say that?) It can help ease asthma symptoms. Mullein can help COPD sufferers. This is always in use at in our house. This plant is so prolific that it likes disturbed soil. One plant can produce thousands of seeds at a time. Where I live in Florida it is too hot to grow, but it is very prolific in the north west of the country. These are places that deal with forest fires on a daily basis. Mullein can help with the symptoms from smoke exposure. Of course it would grow where it is needed most!
5.) Cramp Bark Tincture
Just from its name you should be able to guess what it is used for! It is remarkable at stopping menstrual cramps. Midwives have used it to stop contractions. Cramp Bark is an antispasmodic. use like its name says, it stops spasms. It is also helpful for coughs that sound like a machine gun. That hurts! We have used this successfully. If you have any muscle cramps of any type it works great. This isn’t one I use with the kids.
6.) Echinacea Root Tincture
When you or your kids are super sick, use this to hit hard and fast. It is not intended for long term use. It is great for help with white cell production and aids antibody formation. This helps fight viral infections. It can also be used topically to fight infection. Avoid if you have autoimmune disorders.
7.) Milky Oat Tops Tincture
This is one of my personal favorites for moms! Every mom becomes overstimulated and overwhelmed. We give and give until we suffer from mental and physical exhaustion. It helps depleted nervous systems. It would be considered a mild nervine. Milky oat tops help you to face the day with smile on your face.
8.) Pain Relief Tinctures
White Willow Bark/ Meadowsweet/ California Poppy
Everyone has pain and runs a fever at some point in their life. The suggested tinctures are really more for adults. White Willow Bark and Meadowsweet are herbs that contain salacin in them. After you ingest them, your gut bacteria will convert them into salicylic acid. That’s a fancy word for Aspirin. This means that it takes longer for them to start helping. The benefit is that they aren’t synthetic.
California poppy is a beautiful orange flower. It is in the same family as the poppy that is used as an opioid, but this is not a narcotic. It helps the GABA receptors and calms the nervous system.
Disclaimer: I am not a physician and the information provided is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent a disease or health conditions. Consult your healthcare provider before use. Do not use while pregnant or nursing. Not FDA approved.